From 1 December 2024, some of our Home Care Package service fees will increase following a recent pricing review. We have compiled a list of common questions and answers below. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to call our customer service team on 1300 258 322

Why do service rates change?

Reviewing service rates each year is necessary to keep pace with the rising cost of home support services and to ensure we can continue to provide you with high-quality care and support well into the future

What is changing and when will the changes take place?

From 1 December 2024:

  • Our annual price change will take effect, resulting in increases to certain service rates, based on the time we spend with you.
  • A new updated Schedule of Fees will now reflect services organised by time of day and location, as recommended by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. For more details, please refer to the updated Schedule of Fees.

Where can I find details of the new service rates?

Click here to view the new service rates. Please note, these have been updated based on the time of your service and your location.

What will happen next?

By 1 November 2024, your Home Care Package Partner will send an updated budget reflecting the new subsidy and fee structure. If you have any questions or concerns, we are here to support you. You will also have the opportunity to review your care package in November, even if your next scheduled review is after 1 December 2024.

Will this impact my out of pocket costs?

If you agree to the updated fees, the changes will only affect your Home Care Package budget, not your personal contributions. You’ll see the adjustments reflected in your January 2025 statement.

Need further assistance?

If you have concerns about the fee changes, we encourage you to discuss them with your Home Care Package Partner. We are happy to explore options to adjust your services to better suit your needs and budget to ensure you can remain independent, healthy and safe in your home for as long as possible. 

For further details or support contact your Home Care Package Partner, 1300 258 322 if you would like to talk through your options.

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